Generated Presentation (UI) Layer

Listed below are quick descriptions of the Windows Forms WinFormsGen generates that makes up the Presentation Layer (Front End). Note: All generated winforms with a grid also have paging and sorting functionality. CRUD are database operations which means: create (add a new record), retrieve (get an existing record), update an existing record, delete an existing record.

One of each of the following objects listed below is generated per table in your database.

Generated WinForms Quick Description
1. List with Add, Edit Redirect & Delete A windows form with a list of items shown in a grid with CRUD functionality. Adding or updating an item redirects to another form. more info

2. Add New Record A windows form with validated input controls used for adding a new record. more info

3. Update Record A windows form with validated input controls used for updating an existing record. more info

4. Record Details (Read Only) A windows form with read-only details of a record. more info

5. List (Read-Only) A windows form with a list of items shown in a grid. No CRUD functionality. more info

6. List with Search A windows form with a list of items shown in a grid with CRUD and Search functionality. You can filter grid results by entering values in the input controls shown on the header. more info

7. List with Inline Add and Edit A windows form with a list of items shown in a grid with CRUD functionality. Add a new record and update an existing item inline with the grid. more info

8. List with Master Detail (Grid) A windows form with two grids with a master-detail relationship. No CRUD functionality. Clicking an item in the first grid loads related items in the second grid. more info

9. List filtered by a Combo Box A windows form with a Combo Box as parent list and a child grid with a master-detail relationship. No CRUD functionality. Choosing an item in the combo box loads related items in the child grid. more info

10. Unbound Windows Form A view with validated input controls which can be used for adding a new record or updating a record. Not bound/connected to the database so you will need to add your own code to bind it to the database. more info