Generated Miscellaneous Items

AspxFormsGen 4.5 generates a single ASP.NET Web Forms Web Site Application. Listed below are quick descriptions of the Miscellaneous files and folders generated to complete the web site that was generated.

Note: List below may not contain the full list of miscellaneous files generated by AspxFormsGen 4.5.

Web Application Project

Generated File(s)/Folder Quick Description
BundleConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers bundling declarations. CSS and Javascript files maybe bunddled here.
RouteConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers routes and enables Friendly URLs.
Bundle.Config A configuration file that list the configured bundles for the web site.
Dbase Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that contains methods connecting to the database.
Functions Class (.cs/.vb) A helper class with static methods used in web forms.
Images Folder A folder containing several images used by the web application.
Scripts Folder A folder containing several JavaScript libraries.
Styles Folder A folder containing several CSS stylesheets.
doc Folder A folder containing several documents that explains the purpose of some the files in this generated web site.
themes Folder A folder containing several JQuery UI themes.
fonts Folder A folder with several font files.
favico.ico Icon file.
crossdomain.xml An XML document/policy that grants a web client—such as Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc., permission to handle data across multiple domains.
humans.txt An initiative showing who worked on the web site.
robots.txt Tells search engines which files to index and the ones not to.
Global.asax A class file containing global declarations.
packages.config An xml configuration file that list locally downloaded nugget packages.
Site.Master The web site's main master page file.
Web.config Configuration file for the web application
Default.htm Shows a list of generated web forms (presentation layer objects).
GeneratedCode.htm Shows a list of generated business class files (middle-tier objects), data layer class files (data-tier objects), code example class files, stored procedures or ad-hoc/sql scripts, helper class files.