What's New

Made for the Visual Studio 2012 or later IDE using the latest 4.5 .Net Framework.

Visual Studio

Generates Standard, Bound ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and more.

ASP.NET Web Forms

Microsoft Windows 7, 8, and 10 operating system ready.

Windows OS

Uses the strongly-typed Model Binding system.

Model Binding

Generates New Microsoft SQL 2012 T-SQL scripts such as the OFFSET ROWS, FETCH NEXT ROWS (Skip/Take functionality).

MS SQL Server

We've added two new web form types. A GridView with Search functionality and a GridView with Inline Add/Edit functionality

More Web Forms

Uses the HTML5 BoilerPlate template for a fast, adaptable, and robust app.

HTML Boilerplate

Can generate Web Forms using FriendlyURLs for cleaner URLs (Like MVC).

Friendly URLs