N-Tier Layer Approach

AspxFormsGen 4.5 generates code in a 3-tier (n-tier) architecture. A presentation tier (the client), middle tier (business objects), data tier (data access objects), and the database scripts such as stored procedures. Code is separated in different layers.


Front End (UI - Presentation Layer) Web Forms and Code Behind files, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, and more. See more
Middle-Tier Class Files (Middle Layer) Business Logic Class Files, Models, Web Forms, Web Form Models, etc. See more
Data-Tier Class Files (Data Layer) using Ad-Hoc SQL. See more
SQL Scripts (Stored Procedures). See more

The generated middle tier objects (and data tier objects) can be placed in another application (class library project) and can also be consumed by other clients. Clients could be a web form (.aspx), a win form, or a web service (.asmx, wcf), etc.

The middle tier encapsulates all calls to the data access objects (data tier) so that calling a CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) and other operations are very easy and may only take one line of code for most parts. We made it even easier by generating and showing an example for each CRUD operation, for each table in your database, so you just copy and paste a call from your chosen client.

The data tier encapsulates all calls to the database. These are calls using Stored Procedures or Ad-Hoc SQL. Stored Procedures or Ad-Hoc SQL are also generated so you don't have to worry about writing T-SQL commands.