Generated Miscellaneous Items

AspxFormsGen MVC 5 generates a single ASP.NET MVC 5 Web Application. Listed below are quick descriptions of the Miscellaneous files and folders generated to complete the web application.

Note: List below may not contain the full list of miscellaneous files generated by AspxFormsGen MVC 5.

Web Application Project

Generated File(s)/Folder Quick Description
BundleConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers bundling declarations. CSS and Javascript files maybe bunddled here.
FilterConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers global filters to controllers.
RouteConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers routes.
Startup.Auth Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers external authentication providers.
WebApiConfig Class (.cs/.vb) A class file that registers Web API routes. For use by Web API only.
Images Folder A folder containing several images used by the web application.
Styles Folder A folder containing several CSS stylesheets.
themes Folder A folder containing several JQuery UI themes.
CrudOperation Class (.cs/.vb) An enum class for use when figuring out whether to use an Add or Update operation.
FieldType Class (.cs/.vb) A enum class listing diffent data types.
fonts Folder A folder with several font files.
Functions Class (.cs/.vb) A helper class with static methods.
Scripts Folder A folder containing several JavaScript libraries.
_ViewStart View (.cshtml/.vbhtml) A globally shared view that declares which layout out file to use.
Web.config (Views Folder) Configuration file to the immediate views in the view folder.
favico.ico Icon file.
Global.asax A class file containing global declarations.
packages.config An xml configuration file that list locally downloaded nugget packages.
StartUp Class (.cs/.vb) An OWIN start up class.
Web.config (Root Folder) Configuration file for the web application
Home/Index View (.cshtml/.vbhtml) Shows a list of generated models, views, controllers, view models, partial views, web api (presentation layer objects).
BusinessAndDataObjects View (.cshtml/.vbhtml) Shows a list of generated business class files (middle-tier objects), data layer class files (data-tier objects), code example class files, stored procedures or ad-hoc/sql scripts, helper class files.